Abstracts submission deadline:

15 February 2025

XVI International School and Symposium on Synchrotron
Radiation in Natural Science


Poland, 25-30 May 2025

Student discounts

Students and PhD-students can apply for a Student Discount. The decision to grant the discount and the amount of funding will depend on the evaluation of the abstracts and conference budget possibilities.

The student has to be a presenting author of an oral presentation or a poster. The application form must be signed by her/his supervisor declaring that fee reduction is essential for student's participation in the Conference.

How to apply?

  1. Create an account in the on-line registration system.
  2. Complete and sign the application form (DOCX or PDF). Note that the form must also be signed by your supervisor.
  3. Upload the scan of the signed application form (PDF file) to the on-line registration system by 15 February 2025 (deadline for submitting abstracts).