Abstracts submission deadline:

23 February 2025

XVI International School and Symposium on Synchrotron
Radiation in Natural Science


Poland, 25-30 May 2025

Invited speakers

Marine Cotte, ESRF, France
Shedding EBS light on artworks to get insight into their creation and to better preserve them

Catherine Dejoie, ESRF, France
Advances in high-resolution powder diffraction for applications in materials chemistry

Thomas Feurer, European XFEL GmbH
Introduction to XFELs

Magdalena Fitta, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Poland
Unraveling charge transfer dynamics in switchable molecular magnets through X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Zbigniew Kaszkur, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Poland
In situ nanopowder diffraction- between Bragg and diffuse scattering

Michael Knapp, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Esko Kokkonen, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden
Ambient pressure XPS at MAX IV Laboratory and how it is used for atomic layer deposition research

Dorota Koziej, University of Hamburg, Germany
In situ X-Ray Synchrotron Methods for Exploring the Length Scale in Nanostructured Materials and Devices

Benedikt Lassalle, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
In situ/operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy coupled to electrocatalysis

Henrik Till Lemke, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, Switzerland

Kirill Lomachenko, ESRF, France
Operando XAS for catalysis at BM23 and ID24-DCM beamlines of the ESRF

Maciej Lorenc, University of Rennes, France

Paola Luches, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR, Italy

Christopher Milne, European XFEL, Germany
Probing dynamics in biology, chemistry and physics using ultrafast X-rays

Przemysław Nogły, Dioscuri Centre for Structural Dynamics of Receptors, Poland
Time-resolved serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELs

Ewa Partyka-Jankowska, SOLARIS, Poland
SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre: infrastructure for research

Oliver Rader, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
Angle-resolved photoemission of topological materials

Francesco Sette, ESRF, France

Montserrat Soler-López, ESRF, France
Advancements in Biological Sciences at the European Synchrotron

Yoshio Takahashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
High energy resolution fluorescence XAFS for the speciation of various elements in geochemical and environmental samples